
Corporate Partners

A Strategic Alliance

NAWBO-Indianapolis excels in establishing strategic alliances with local enterprises, organizations, and associations that share a common purpose with NAWBO-Indy. Cultivating such partnerships enhances our ability to provide superior support to our members, advancing the cause of empowering and propelling business owners.

As corporate partners, these organizations play a pivotal role in championing women-owned businesses across Indiana and within the city of Indianapolis. By engaging with these partners, our members gain exposure to a diverse range of products and services while also gaining access to invaluable networking opportunities that can significantly contribute to the growth of their businesses.

Reap the Benefits
Reap the Benefits

Partnering with NAWBO-Indianapolis provides organizations with a multifaceted platform to connect, collaborate, learn, and contribute to the growth and success of women-owned businesses while reaping multiple benefits.

Visibility Exposure
Visibility and Exposure

Partners gain visibility within the NAWBO-Indianapolis community, which comprises a diverse and influential group of business owners and professionals. This exposure can increase brand recognition and awareness among a targeted audience.

Networking Opportunities
Networking Opportunities

NAWBO-Indianapolis provides partners a platform to connect with like-minded business leaders, potential clients, and collaborators. These interactions allow partners to expand their professional circles and create meaningful relationships.

Market Access
Market Access

Partners gain direct access to our membership base, which includes women business owners, entrepreneurs, and professionals. This access allows partners to showcase their products and services to a relevant and engaged audience.

Thought Leadership
Thought Leadership

Collaborating with NAWBO-Indianapolis allows partners to establish themselves as thought leaders in their respective industries. Partners can participate in discussions, workshops, and events, positioning themselves as experts and influencers.

Supporting Women Owned Businesses
Supporting Women-Owned Businesses

Partners align themselves with our mission of supporting and promoting women-owned businesses. This association demonstrates a commitment to diversity, inclusion, and gender equality in business.

Recognition and Awards
Recognition and Awards

NAWBO-Indianapolis often recognizes and celebrates its partners for their contributions and support. This recognition can further enhance a partner's reputation and credibility, raising awareness of its brand and mission. 

You're in Good Company

Search our partner directory for more information about the organizations supporting NAWBO-Indianapolis.

Commonly Asked Questions

Get the Specifics

Corporate partners play a crucial role in helping NAWBO-Indianapolis reach its goals. Learn more about the specific details of corporate partnerships here.

Interested in Becoming a Partner?

We’d love to hear from you! Please fill out this form, and a NAWBO-Indianapolis representative will contact you to discuss this opportunity.

Have a question for us about partnership opportunities? Ask away.
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